When taking portraits of women, it’s important to use light to create soft shadows. For most of these pictures, I used a large gold reflector to create warm light on the models’ faces. Using a silver reflector would create a cold light. These photos were taken in the Tetons, Yellowstone National Park, and Buffalo River. When creating women’s landscape portrait photography, focus on the model, but also bring in elements of the landscape surrounding.

I used bracketing for this image! This is because the sun was setting and a regular photo wouldn’t be able to capture all of the colors and depth happening. Bracketing is when the camera takes three different photos: one underexposed, one overexposed, and one regular. In post I brought these photos together to create a beautiful image!

Women’s Landscape Portrait Photography: Flash

For this photo, I used a flash to create a more harsh light on the model. This went well with the theme of this picture. Play around with lighting to create different effects in your portraits!
Want to learn more about women in photography? Check out this article!
Want to see more of my portrait photography? Check out my men’s landscape portrait photography!