Who Am I?
A look into my past and present.Something that shaped me when I was a teenager was my job as a swim instructor and a lifeguard. I worked anywhere from 30-50 hours a week every summer in the sun, and it was my favorite and also least favorite thing. Teaching kids brought me so much joy, but it also brought things like getting kicked in the stomach, kids throwing up in my mouth (awesome!), mean parents, and kids screaming and crying right in my ear. I loved my coworkers and am still close with many of them. Pretty sure we are trauma bonded or something like that. If you want to spend the afternoon listening to pool horror stories, I would be happy to oblige.
The pool gave me opportunities to lead, and to figure a lot of things out on my own. Honestly, a lot of the time management wasn’t that great (hopefully they don’t see this) so I had to get things done myself. The pool has given me a lot of pain, trauma, and probably skin cancer, but I am grateful for the chance to work hard, help others, and be a leader.
No I don’t have anything positive to say about lifeguarding because I hated it. But teaching lessons was pretty amazing.

Music has also been a big part of my life. In the 6th grade, I was in show choir (and was a star, thank you very much). I played the trumpet in 5th and 6th grade (yes I went to an arts school, I love to brag about that). I was in choir all four years of high school, and participated in choir leadership. I have been playing the piano since I was six, and don’t plan on stopping. When I was around 14, I taught piano for about 3 months. I learned it is not my thing. I can play the ukelele, but so can pretty much every girl who grew up in Idaho and Utah.
This picture is my jazz choir on a weekend retreat! Jumpscare, 2018 filter.
Music and swimming are still important to me, but as I have gotten older I have added more hobbies and skills I am passionate about.

Last year I took a floral design class and loved it. The feeling of being able to create something beautiful is amazing! I recently was able to put the corsage together for my little brother’s dance date, and that was pretty awesome.

I love thrifting!! I love doing something that helps the environment, is affordable, AND can be cute and fun! Being able to wear an entirely thrifted outfit (featured here) brings me so much pride.

Because of TikTok, I have gotten into cooking. I love recreating recipes and finding new flavors I like! I actually eat vegetables now, which is a big thing for me. I hope to take cooking classes in the future!

In high school I was obsessed with YouTube beauty videos, and would do all types of makeup. Now I tone it down, but I love trying new hairstyles and makeup looks. It’s such a fun way to express myself!

Humor is very important to me. This was last year’s Halloween costume as Prison Mike. Anyways.

I love dogs. This is my family’s dog Clem. I love taking her on walks and treating her well. She does have a gross mole on her neck I like to avoid though… I hope to get my own dog soon!

I guess I’ve always been an Instagram girly. That’s all I have to say about that.