Product photography can be done in many ways and one of those is to model things with people! Continue reading to see my accessory fashion photography.

My formal models, Avalin and Nathan, advertised this wedding ring. They did a wonderful job. I kept her mouth in the picture to show her smiling.

This is a more editorial photo. I upped the grain and clarity, and made all of the colors vibrant! My model, Kit, rocked these rings.

This is one of several watch photos I took. The blue in the watch matches the blue suit perfectly. I brought out the yellow/orange in this watch band to create contrast with the blue in editing.

To get a better view of these photos, click on them! Notice how I brought out the details in her beautiful bouquet. The first photo shows the ring and the bouquet.

This is a simple shot but shows his wedding ring well. The neutrals create a simple picture that still shows the ring beautifully.

Here is one other watch shot I had! It shows accessory fashion photography featuring two different products, the ring, and the watch.
Accessory Fashion Photography: Conceptual Ad

Want to learn more about accessory photography? Check out this tutorial:
Look at more of my fashion photography in this article below!